The Socio-Political Apostolate of the Society of Jesus in the Philippines
SLB, then known as the Namfrel Marines, began in 1986 during the EDSA Revolution as a network of the religious, individuals, and groups that aimed at safeguarding ballots and ensuring clean and credible elections. It developed as a non-profit organization, under the guidance of the Society of Jesus in the Philippines, with the mission of upholding and promoting social justice through its good governance advocacy and disaster risk reduction and management programs.
SLB envisions a Filipino nation that celebrates love for country, genuine democracy, and social justice and a Church that is of the poor, for the poor, with the poor.
SLB is committed to:
furthering the values of Catholic Social Teaching, as identified by the PCP II.
raising the social consciousness of the Filipino people.
creating opportunities for volunteerism, collaboration, and collective action to address pressing socio-economic and socio-cultural needs.
Core Values
Faith that does Justice
Genuine Democracy
Love for Country
Preferential Option for the Poor
Integrity of Creation
Cura Personalis